Wednesday 28 February 2018

Collaboration: Bali shoot 1/2

As Kristina will be in Bali shooting the photos for the majority of the time that we have for the project, we instantly relaised the importance of contact whilst she was away. The agreement was that I would be researching and developing different approaches that we could take on presenting the information in the decided format.

Day 1/2 Photoshoot
Kristina sent over a message explaining what she had been up to whilst in Bali and then a large selection of photos that may be suitable for the book.


Starting off with day one, just getting comfortable with the culture and people again - not so happy with the outcomes. Very similar to first trip.
- Exploring issues of women & children - one of the main ones being malnutrition (That is where food comes in / that is why I photographed food)

Second Day Visiting the hamlets - more confident started to employ flash within images. Wanted to produce simpler portraits as I did not see a reason to complicate it even further. One of the main issues that I feel these images raise is the idea of Inequality, showing women constantly working (Which is true) (When their children are at pre-school / school) What would you say is evident in the photos? Would love some feedback!"

- how does the large amounts of food at the market show malnutrition?
- would a typical meal time with not much on the table show this better?
- some photos that include the men socialising and not working may show this idea of the inequality with the women
- the darkness of the photo that is created through the use of flash is very powerful and sets the mood and tone of the book very effectively

The outcomes:

I now have some content to start sequencing, experimenting with layout and also looking at the different colours and typefaces that could be used with them.

Example of the conversations that Kristina and I have been having whilst she has been away:

The conversations evidence that although Kristina is away taking the photos, I am still being able to input with ideas on how different concepts and messages could be captured and portrayed. 

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