Saturday 17 February 2018

Art Fund: Digital detox

In response to the feedback from the crit suggesting that mindfulness could become the main focus for the concept lead to some research into digital detoxing and how different companies have used this as part of their advertisement campaigns. 

Dolmio Pepper Hacker
Dolmio used the notion of 'too much tech' as the basis of its own marketing campaign and built it around the idea that technology has hijacked dinner time. The idea is that there is a 'pepper hacker' which automatically disables surrounding WiFi to help family dinner time. 
- real-time footage of families
- a lot of things are changed surrounding the children on devices and it shows that they do not notice anything
- need to disconnect to connect
- family time is important 
- turns tech off and family dinner time on 

Having recognised the growing problem of users being able to switch off from their phones at night, Apple included sleep-related features in the iOS 10 update. The bedtime tab allows users to configure a sleep time and waking up time with reminders to show the importance of a regular sleeping pattern. 

A range of C-Sleep light bulbs designed to prevent harsh light from interrupting natural rhythms in the brain and they can be set between 3 different settings depending on the time of day. This is a good example of a brand demonstrating that it's not always about a reaction against technology itself, but finding ways to use technology in smart ways in order to facilitate a modern lifestyle. 

- image focus
- one simple caption with a small sentence to compliment
- a simple line design to add as a recognisable symbol

Meantime Brewing Company
This is based on the idea that technology is disrupting socialising and our ability to enjoy downtime. It is a pop-up bar that is technology free and everyone hands over their phone when they enter the bar, with the idea that they will enjoy their beer more if it is technology-free.  

This is an example of a brand that wouldn't exist if there wasn't a desire to switch off. Headspace is a mindfulness app designed to help users take a break from life and instead take a well-earned breather. It has a large target audience as there are different categories within the app that will appeal to different people for different reasons. The large amount of research and advertising about mindfulness has now meant that it has become a trend and may appeal to students just as much as it would adults with busy schedules. The Headspace app uses social media to connect with this new technology focused generation in order to fill their timelines with some illustrations that as well as being visually pleasing, also hold a strong message. The illutrations are engaging due to the humour held within them which will appeal to the younger target audience. The colour scheme is vibrant but muted, ensuring that the message of relaxation is portrayed but that it is not a boring and dull process. The illustrations all hold a strong visual identity that if seen would be associated with the Headspace app. 
Another method of advertisement used rather than the illustrations is the use of an object in a playful way that is thought to improve your day. The example below has no actual purposeful improvement to your life other than the fact that it is fun and has added alot of colour to your day. 
Headspace have also released some vibrant and colourful images with inspirational messages to encourage positive thinking, a big part of the mindfulness process.

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