Wednesday 28 February 2018

Collaboration: Concept refinement

Having spoken to my tutor (who specialises in editorial design) about where to start with this brief and how to develop a strong concept, I realised that I was a little unsure as to how the two subjects tied together. We had discussed them separately and became passionate about them as individual bodies of work, but the link had not be explicitly determined. 

I had a few key words for the themes that would be adressed within the content of the images, but by sending a message to Kristina I was able to get a more detailed insight into exactly what the photoshoots will be portraying and focusing on as a topic. 

Kristina's response:
"The aspect that is going to hopefully tie the concept of these two projects is “women issues” women issues don’t just happen in one form, there are various issues that women experience all around the world. And just because they are not visible people often forget that they exist. The theme of Islamophobia is universal, people experience it in all parts of the world. And the issues some women face in Bali are often forgotten about and unknown because people cannot see them, they don’t visit the remote places of the island, they are simply there to have fun and spend money. Therefore, I feel that the working title is ‘Out of sight, out of mind’. This is just what I’m thinking of at the moment. All the images will hopefully be shot in a similar style, therefore they should all work together in a publication (but not necessarily) we will have to wait and see!!"

‘Out of sight, out of mind’
- women issues
- not visible so people forget they exist
- the universal issue

The response from Kristina highlighted that this publications purpose is to spread strong messages, something that zines are known to be more effective to do. Upon reflection, I have decided that a zine accompanying a finalised photobook would work well. The zine will allow for the distribution of the topic and then by raising awareness of the issue, people will then want to buy the full photobook.

The content of the zine could be made up of some of the images and writing either, in short, explaining the issue, or a number of quotes that would engage the reader to want to find out more about the topic being discussed.

Taking the working title, I was able to have a brainstorm on the different ways in which I could portray the messages within and purpose of the content in the most effective way in regards to design decsions and presentation. 

I will now take these initial thoughts and experiment with some of the given images and work out the most effective design decisions that I can present to Kristina. 

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