Tuesday 20 February 2018

Morpher: Initial discussion

fig. 1
Figure 1 shows some ofthe feedback from the band when telling them about the idea to use the constellation as part of the identity for the band. 

As the designer, I was able to meet with the band to speak about the concept and see if they had any ideas for the logo and to also see if there was a desired colour scheme. 

This meeting was useful to me as it confirmed that the idea to base the visuals on the Lyra constellation was something that they as a band also liked and agreed should be used. This concept would allow for the space theme that as a band they liked to be used throughout promotion but in a stylised way, reflecting them stepping out of the constraints of traditional Jazz and introducing manipulated sounds.

I was able to ask them about colours and if there was any in particular that they associated themselves with. Red, blue and black were the first three that came to mind and although they aren’t a major part of the bands current identity, colours within the social media presence is important in order to make the page interesting.

We have now decided that I will continue with the design process, constantly posting images to them as a group on facebook for feedback along the way. It was decided that this input from them would be important to establish a logo that both them and I are happy with. This is because as a band they are not exactly certain as to what they want, so I need to come up with some ideas and then develop on from their feedback so that we end up with something that best represents them as a band. 

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