Saturday 17 February 2018

Art Fund: YCN research

As I got further into the design process for this brief, I thought it would be good to look at some previous winners who partook in a similar style brief. This will allow me to ensure that I include all final outcomes that are needed and I may not have thought about. 

The Craft Academy brief seemed to require similar outcomes to the Art Fund brief as they are both about advertising and engaging. 

Ysobel Kellett's 
This entry stood out to me because her reasonings for the design concept were interestign and relevant. She had taken the Craft Academy's tagline, 'Unbolting Potential' and developed a concept based around the idea of potential brewing in everyone. 

There is a consistent visual design throughout this project, but has been applied to each of the different elements in a different way. For the Art Fund project this will be similar, there needs to be consistency but with variation comes interest for the audience. 

One tagline has been developed and applied across all of the designs to ensure that the audience begins to recognise it and that it sticks in their heads. The manipulated typeface works successfully to take away the intimidating associations with an apprenticeship and has made it much more friendly and engaging. 

Emmy Errante & Aino Neuvonen
As a creative duo they have developed an experiental marketing campaign that takes role models as a way of encouraging younger people to enrol on the apprenticeship. The idea was based around the idea that when persuing a career we look up to role models and we are more likely to want to persue a career if there is someone that we look up to also doing the same career. The duo put together a cast of brewing experts who have thrived in the industry and each with their own personality quirks, they can be made relatable. 

This advertising campaign is clever as it engages the audience and allows them to think easily if it is a career that they could be part of and enjoy. There is a strong viual consistency throughout the whole campaign, but each of the characters have a particular typeface to help portray their stories with a bit of personality. 

Jack Gregson & Josh Oxley
Insight: Amateur football fans share a similar passion for their sport that brewers do for craft beer. Despite this, they remain an 'untapped market'.
Proposition: An integrated campaign that brings the communities of football and craft beer together.
Concept: The Craft Academy use the language of football to demonstrate the similarities to the fans. They also have the opportunity to take part in the Craft Academy Tournament, which acts as a launch for the new amateur football special edition beer. 

The posters are effective and take the phrase 'this is our' and then one word related to football to finish it off in an effective way. The idea to take a sport that a large number of people engage with and relate it to the apprenticeship scheme was a clever concept. This is something that I could look out for when designing for the Art Fund project. 

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