Wednesday 7 February 2018

Art Fund: Initial ideas

Based on initial research and reactions to the brief, I have developed a few initial ideas that with further research and development could lead to complex and more refined concepts. 

Idea 1: Summer
The Student Art pass concetrates very heavily on the fact that it allows for a year of inspiration, relaxation and time out from day to day life. This idea is based on the idea of summer and how this is a time to do all of these things, but it shouldn't stop when university starts. This idea would be based on a gif style animation, flicking through comparisons in order to show the fun of summer and how uni can be boring unless you do something fun with your free time. Aswell as the animation side of this, a set of posters and artwork would be published to also capture this idea but in ways that can be displayed easily at fresher's fayres without the use of screens. 

Idea 2: Festival
Student Art Pass had specified that the release of this needed to feel as though it was an event that shouldn't be missed. This idea is based on the idea that many students have attended and enjoy music festivals, taking the long list of museums and galleries that are accessible with the pass and then presenting them in a festival stylised way. Research into festival visuals has shown that the list of places would be central in collumn on the poster, there would need to be a big and bold title and then lots of illustrations and visuals around the edge and building up the background of the poster. The illustrations ould be based on the works of at that may be found in some of the venues and also with the incorportion of some visuals that represent the users experience when going to an art gallery for the day such as coffee, cameras, trains, sketchbooks etc. 

Idea 3: £5 comparisons
An important part of being a student is learning how to budget well and realising the cost of things that may have been taken for granted when living at home. This idea takes mundane items that are £5 and as a student you would just buy without even thinking, comparing them to the Student Art Pass which can be used for a year to prove that it is good value and should be purchased as a necessity. It may work to write the mundane object and then the price, paired with a comparison that is art related saying something like 'cultured way of thinking = £5' etc. This would work well to prove a point that there is much more that can be purchased with only £5 and that the Student Art Pass is worth the money. 

Idea 4: Bright ideas
This idea is demonstrating the ways in which gallery visits can inspire all aspects of studying and bring work to life in an exciting and engaging way. The idea of using light trail photography is to represent the club atmosphere that as a Fresher you will enjoy and want to experience as much as possible. The campiagn will be focused around the idea that these 'bright' ideas can be taken from time spent in galleries and then applied to all aspects of university studying. Part of the idea is the development of merchandise that has the light reacting ink, which relies on the charging up of using the bright lights in the galleries and then when leaving in the evening and it is dark they will light up to remind you of all of the inspiration you have jsut gained. 

Idea 5: The routes of social media
The idea is that by showing a really intersting and art social media stream, the audience will engage with the campaign as it is likely to be something that they currenty enjoy. The phne with the feed will then be contrasted to the gallery in which the inspiration for these works of art were found, with sctions of the paintings highlighted in the same way that they are on the social media feed. 

Idea 6: Time out to relax, be creative
This idea looks at the power of mindfullness and how this can improve the success of students at university and how they apply themselves to their work and also balance a good social life with a positive outlook in general. It will promote the idea of sketching, photography, writing etc. when visiting a gallery and how this can allow for relaxation, inspiration ... to be found and experienced. 

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