Wednesday 7 February 2018

Art Fund: Research

Why go to Museums and Art Galleries?
  • release student pressures and stress
  • free research
  • day trips
  • chill out
  • inspire/motivate
  • new environments + ideas exposure
  • social activity as a date or with friends
I have found a number of articles which look into the different reasons visiting museums and art galleries are of a benefit. 

Spend Your Money on Doing Things Rather Than Owning Things is an article that looks at how experiences are of more value to your personal development moreso than buying things. 
  • more enduring pleasure and satisfaction from investing into life experiences rather than material possessions
  • national survey of over 12,000 participants with most of them confirming that an experiential purchases as making them happier, as opposed to material ones
  • experiential purchases are more open to positive reinterpretations - bad weather on a hike jsut turns it into a challenge
  • experiential purchases are a more meanignful part of a person's identity - culturally we are driven to value accomplishing goals and challeng ourselves
  • experiential purchases contribute more to successful social relationships - social aspect to doing things wtith others and sharing stories about experiences is more fun to talk about than material possessions
Reasons to visit a Museum
  • museums make you feel good - experiences provide positive personal reinterpretations over time 
  • museums make you smarter - exhibitis inspire interest in an area of study, item, time period or an idea
  • museums provide an effective way of learning - informal learning evironments allow for you to form your own unique experiences and take away information that interests you
  • museums are community centers - can become an active part of the community and get involved with a number of different activities
  • museums inspire - personal memories created at museums do not expire
  • museums help bring change and development to communities - community involvement as it is an area for current research and new ideas to be shared
  • museums are a great way to spend time with family and friends - shared learning experiences
  • a museum may be your next community partner or business endeavour - they take alot of staff and input to run successfully

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