Tuesday 13 February 2018

Morpher: Visual research

To start off the process I thought it would be good to look at what the band currently has in terms of promotion and social media presence. 
Figure 1 shows the bands Facebook page, interesting but very obviously put together using not very high quality images and without much design experience. This will have worked quite well originally because it shows an element s of personal touch and creativity within the band. But now that the band are becoming more well known and playing at paid venues, the design work to support them will help to increase the number of events that take them seriously and offer to pay. As a band they have the one profile picture that is not only being used for the profile pictures on social media platforms, but also for artwork as shown in fig.2 on the spotify account. Adding an element of variation will make it more interesting for the audience and will also allow each of their songs to have individual identities. Figures 3 and 4 show the Instagram account which to them is used for engaging with the target audience and letting them know about what they are working on etc. A photoshoot will allow for an element of consistency to be achieved on this platform and then the messages can stay pretty chatty and engaging. Figure 5 and 6 are some of the promtoional materials that as a band they have featured on recently, both showing that the band have no individual identity and the designers have just taken their name and a bad quality picture of one of the band members to build it up. This does not reflect well on the band and is a reason as to why they need more promotional material to work with and give to others. 


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