Wednesday 28 February 2018

Collaboration: Bruno Ceschel

photo-book or photobook is a book in which photographs make a significant contribution to the overall content. A photo-book is related to and also often used as a coffee table book.

Bruno Ceschel - Tips on making a photography book
This blog highlighted the importance of printed photos and the power of collation and sequencing when trying to portray particular messages. The digital age has stopped the printing of books and when they are printed they gain this sense of formality and people enjoy reading them more than with the interruptions when online. He shares some of the practical methods of making a photography book that may inspire the digital based design process and how the different things could portray things in a more powerful sense. 

1. Folding pages
Luke Stettner - it is interactive which is a good way to engage the audience with the content as they can rearrange/fold the pages in the book, creating new meanings 

This is good visual literacy for the project that I am working on because it is about the prejudgements and then reveals more about the girls and their lives. 

2. Have one good idea
bad to try and incorporate too many ideas
3. Keep the books small and simple
cheaper to produce and ship 
smaller to carry around and more people will read
better reading experience, can be read anywhere
4. The book is a physical object
there is an element of intimacy and engagement with printed content
5. The book prompts a performance
the user interaction is fundamental for how much they engage with the content
Jason Eskenazi - Wonderland is the size of  paperback novel, allowing you to carry with you everywhere you go for inspiration on the go 
landscape book generally fold out too big and take up too much space
folding almost flat allows for a much more intimate experience
6. Represent your message with the right medium
There is a small zine publishing team (called “PPP”, aka Preston is my Paris publishing) in which they did a project of the “Preston bus station”, an area with lots of “brutalist buildings” which was threatened to be demolished (because a lot of people thought it was ugly). But at the same time, there were a lot of people in the community who wanted to save the property
The photographers from “PPP” ended up doing a documentary series of the bus station, and ended up printing it as newspaper — which was the perfect medium for the people of the community (old people who read newspapers, and teenagers who live in a “disposable” culture):
Bus_Station_1-800x575Bus_Station_2-800x575Bus_Station_3-800x575Bus_Station_4-800x575Bus_Station_5-800x575This allowed the photographers from “PPP” to give away the photos for free in the newspaper format. Whereas if they tried to print it as an expensive hard-cover, nobody would have bought it, and therefore nobody in the community would have ended up seeing the images.
8. Book covers
Pink is thought to be bold and flashy which encourages everyone to pick up the book and have a look
does not necessarily need to closely represent the content inside
9. The texture and feel of a book
one of the pleasures of books is how they feel
analogy - when you look at a physical object (like a chair), you don’t just want to look at it. You want to sit on it, you want to see how it feels on your bottom, and you want it to look aesthetically pleasing in the context of an environment.

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