Friday 3 November 2017

Design for Screen - Identifying a problem

Problem generation

- app where you put in what you like to do and it gives you a list of things to do when you're bored
- a shazam style app for outfits
- vegetarian, cheap student meal ideas
- list ingredients and leads to recipe ideas
- keeping in the loop with the creative industry and design blogs
- app to delete your number off of other peoples phones
- app that delivers beer
- type in restaurant name and then suggests what to order 
- an app that tells you how long the line is at a restaurant, would save a lot of travelling time
- app to make appointment with the doctor
- an app that suggests things to do based on interests, internet searches and instagram followings
- an app that you can sell train tickets on and buy cheap ones
- nearest, cheapest petrol
- nearest bars/pubs that are still open. Very simple visually and then if you click on the bar the details open.

Desktop/phone app with all of the top design/art blogs and websites into one, highlights of the day. It would save time rather than having to scroll through loads of different websites, similar to the apple news app. Aimed at creative students needing to keep in the loop of the design world. Flick through this in the morning rather than social media constantly as this will actually inspire and motivate you for the day. 


- current exhibitions
- designers profiles, you can scroll through and save them almost like a playlist so you can always refer back for inspiration
- top posts for the day
- location setting to see what design studios are near by

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