Thursday 16 November 2017

Design for Screen - Adobe Xd UI templates

Being able to download the official UI interface templates that are used on Apple products has helped to make the app look more realistic. The templates are good to ensure accuracy, showing the exact sizes that would be found on screen. This is good when designing, showing exactly which elements will be visible if for example the keyboard is in use. 
Having the templates to work with on Adobe XD helped to ensure that I was using typefaces of a good size and that the icons are also a size that has been shown to work well on screen. 
UI design seems to rely on consistency and the use of gestures and layouts that users recognise or have used a multiple of times. This has influenced my design, ensuring that the menu button is in the top left, the keyboard comes up from the bottom of the screen and the time is at the top of the screen. 
I found the maps template particularly useful to use because I needed to work out how the map could be incorporated into the app when the user searched for a particular studio or gallery that they then wanted to visit. 

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