Tuesday 9 January 2018

OUGD505 - Design Practice 2 Briefing

Your individuality and effectiveness as a designer will be measured by the skills you have and how you apply them.
You are viewed through your work and its personality, tone of voice and creative concerns.

- practical, technical and conceptual research focus
- specialist knowledge of independent design practices and independent approaches
- development of a theoretical and conceptual understanding of technical abilities

- 2d, 3d and 4d media
- impact of content, audience and context on the investigation of appropriate design principles
- approaches to professional brief analysis
- self-directed concepts in response to negotiated problems of design for communication

Tues 16th Jan - Footprint - Riso Printer - www.footprinters.co.uk
Fri 26th Jan - Tom Joyes - www.tomjoyes.com
Tues 6th Feb - Wolff Olins - Jack Grafton - www.wolffolins.com

Studio Brief 1
Micro-Genres of Music

Thoroughly research a micro-genre of music from everynoiseatonce.com. The research should be extensive, with the intention that you become an expert in the genre. This micro-genre will become the focus for the design and production of a new piece of work to be publically exhibited. 

- design an object that celebrates or critiques an aspect of genre' specific characteristics
- political, esthetic, production methods, audience demographics, key intentions or its connection to place

- think visually
- explore literal and lateral responses
- design object must be ambitious and be a response to your research
- flag, ringtone, rug, wallpaper, exercise video, instruction manual, map, perfume, clothing, game, furniture etc. 

- consider the current state of physical media and products within 21st-century music industry and culture
- format (CD, vinyl, mp3, streaming)
- packaging, editions, objects
- digital vs physical
- distribution/ purchasing/ownership or music

- documentation of studio development on the blog
- final exhibition design object physically printed/produced
- 6 design boards

Monday 23rd April

Studio Brief 2
Product, Range, Distribution
Examine graphic design outputs relating to social, political and ethical change.
Aim to increase your awareness of historical examples plus contemporary practice that is responsive to 21st Century issues.
Be sure to note the interrelationships between medium, message and distribution. 

Produce a body of research work and ideas should reflect your own ideologies, concerns, and ambitions as a graphic designer. 
Consider the role of the grpahic designer in 21st century society/culture and their eresponsiblity regarding social, political, and ethical change.

Develop a practical, visual and contextual investigation of a specific subject (an issue).
You should aim to develop research from a range of primary and secondary sources in order to fully explore the opportunities for informed creative development.
Research and development of this part of the brief should be documented on your studio practice blog and will be presented as part of your interim concept pitch.

Devise and develop a body of practical work that both distils your knowledge of an identified issue and demonstrates your ability to tap into the market potential for socially, politically and ethically-driven design.
This output should still work within the broader creative and professional contexts of graphic design but could be based on ideas of awareness or protest. 

- materials relating to an issue-led campaign
- poster series/manifesto
- publication/book/zine/printed matter
- web/digital platform/video/moving image/animation
- a range of products/merchandise that communicate your identified core message (placards, banners, set of badges)
- a piece of real-world ephemera (a product, a new currency)
- an installation, exhibition, social space, wayfinding

- resolutions, products and outcomes appropriate to your selected brief
- 6 a3 design boards
- documented on blogs with SB1/SB2 tags

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