Monday 29 January 2018

OUGD505 SB2: Advice

Are we losing our connection with each other?
- the graphics outcome to combat issues of people being on their phones
- something that would actually impact us and be useful
- hands became a symbol of communication
- a reward system for locking phone away when at the bar
- menus, posters, advertisements, card games, pins etc. 

- 2 weeks research in order to come up with a solid concept
- establish a target audience
- 70% research 30% designing
- with a strong concept and lots of research, the designs will happen quickly
- colour scheme represents vibrancy, energy, other bars with fun atmospheres, suitable for the target audience
- take serious ideas and make fun
- articles, reports, studies, observation, personal challenges and experiments

- making heavy issues more approachable
- the smudge magazine (ethical topics)
- pro ageism campaign
- chose mascots for the campaign (people looking up to people such as Attenborough, why not to other older people)
- ageism in the workplace
- protest style placards

- chose AgeUk later on in the brief because he wanted work to exist outside University and helps to professionalise the work
- Anthony Burril as inspiration to communicate clear messages
- use of the asterisk to make the reader think again and change opinions

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