Tuesday 16 January 2018

Superfly: Research 2

Visual Literacy 
The event groups had said that their event was influenced by the aesthetic and well known songs in the film Superfly. The identity of the event needs to be individual so that people don't assume it was a tribute/themed club night, whilst also heavily basing the final outcome on this design style. 
- light back ground
- strong graphic image
- large title
- 'bubble' writing
- vibrant colours

- Leeds based event
- same genres of music as the Superfly event
- traditional approach as opposed to a modern and 'trendy' style
- bright and happy colours

- limited colour palette
- modern approach with tones of tradition
- high contrast in background visuals to text
- organised
- focus on the instruments used in soul music 
- the hierarchy within this poster has the title at the the top, the use of a visually strong background to ensure engagement with the audience and then the information about the event - once the attention has been captured - is designed to fit in-between the visuals

- the purpose is to visually inform an audience that there is a jazz event 
- limited colour palette
- balance is achieved 
- harmony is achieved through the use of a limited colour palette, ensuring that the image and the type complement each other 
- the visual design of this poster creates a rhythm which draws the audiences eyes firstly to the graphic image and then up to the title as the image is composed in a manner that appears as if it is climbing upwards
- focus on the visuals to interest the target audience
- the yellow wavelength is fairly long and stimulating, known to lift our spirits with friendly connotations - appropriate for the type of event that is being advertised 

- the purpose of this poster design is to visually illustrate the genre of music that the event is focusing on 
- the typography used on this poster is varied and diverse, allowing for each part to be separated and noticed individually
- the hierarchy of information is established through font size and also positioning on the poster
- harmony and balance is achieved through the consistent use of colours, a busy power design like this could have easily been designed off balance without careful consideration of each of the elements 

 - whilst keeping a strong visual consistency, the lettering allows for each individual genre to portray a personality visually
- the soul lettering is a bit more 'loose' and free spirited in comparison to the classics lettering which appears slightly more intricate, reflecting the music genres
- the colour use on this poster may have been chosen to be a neutral palette due to the diversity in genres, making it hard to establish a colour palette in which reflects them as a whole
- the genres of music have been presented as the top of the hierarchy as this is the unique selling point of the event as they are not as common in comparison to a DJ night at a club for example 

- this is a very different approach to the common funk, soul and disco event posters, ignoring the traditional visuals and approaching with much more contemporary and minimal approach
- the typography design holds a sense of energy, reflecting the style of music
- it is effective having the information at the tope left very small as naturally we do read from left to right, but the size of the set distracts us from this and then we can choose to go back to read this if we decide that this is an event that we want to attend

I will try both the traditional approach to designing for this style of event and also the contemporary to see which works best for this particular event. 

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