Saturday 27 January 2018

Superfly: Initial ideas

I started by sketching out some initial ideas for how the information of the event could be placed on the page. The first drawings look at how this brief could be approached in a contemporary way as opposed to a more traditional. 

In order to see which of the ideas would work the best, the sketches were computerised in a simple manner to see which would be the best to develop. 

Both of these poster designs include all of the instruments commonly associated with the genres of music that the event will have. The layouts are well organised and visually pleasing, but they may lack vibrancy and energy that would need to be shown in order to accurately represent the particular event.  

Development then leads to the computerisation of the disco flooring idea as a background with all of the information withheld within each of the individual squares of colour.  This very basic mockup shows how the griding of the floor could be used in an interesting way to organise the information that is needed on the poster. It would be good to develop this further using Adobe Photoshop to try and make it appear more as if the floor is glowing. This could also be achieved by using coloured acetate and using a light to illuminate the edges, photograph this and then use this as the basis of the poster. 

This idea is the closest to matching the visual inspirations that the events group sent to me as they mentioned that a boombox may best represent the style of event, the big bold superfly logotype would be good and then the information can be placed alongside these two elements. This shows the placement of where things could roughly be composed, but the typeface of 'Superfly' would need to be changed to ensure that it was made clear to the target audience that the event took inspiration from the film and playlist, as opposed to being based on it. I think with colour and development, this design could be made to hold the right kind of energy and vibrancy that the events group are looking to advertise their event to have. 

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