Thursday 15 March 2018

Collaboration: Revised concept/rationale

"Focusing on issues women face within that culture and environment. Producing images with the hope of presenting subtle clues about aspects of inequality which is seen as the norm within their lifestyles. As it is seen as a normal aspect within their lives, I intend to raise awareness about this with the help of interviews that have been conducted alongside the images. Allowing there to be a personal dialogue and relationship with most of the subjects which have contributed their thoughts and opinions about the issues which this project explores. "

... was thought to be the concept but now that Kristina has returned from the trip it has become clear that as a photo journalist, it is important to document current issues within the location of photography.

"How human being's in light of all the difficulties brought by the environment, employ their creativity to solve problems. One day at a time. In the most basic ways, using their skills of weaving baskets to overcome the difficulty their environment has brought them."

This new concept will drive the design of the publications, ensuring that all design elements react to this and visually present the idea in the best format possible.

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