Monday 5 March 2018

Art Fund: In response to critical feedback

In response to the critical feedback, I have decided to explore the idea of mindfulness and how visiting galleries could be used as a time to relax and unwind from daily life. I searched some of the most recognised paintings in the UK so that I could take the figures and apply them to some different design ideas. 

Les Demoiselles d'Avignon - Pablo Picasso

A Bigger Splash - David Hockney

American Gothic

Using the faces from Pablo Picasso's painting Les Demoiselles d'Avignon, I placed them on some different yoga positions in order to try and play around with the idea that the Student Art Pass should be used as time to relax and creatively feed your mind. 

- awaken your creativity _with art fund
- stretch your capabilities _with art fund

Another approach that I explored was illustrative in the sense that without writing the concept would be explained and understood by the target audience. The played on the idea of mindFULLness, emphasising the word 'full' to show how the Student Art Pass can be used to not relax in the way that mindfulness may imply, but as an activity to ensure that your mind gets filled with new ideas and inspiration. The design takes a female figure, which once a style has been established could be changed to a male and a large variety of different figures to ensure that the campaign is inclusive. The line drawing allows for the head to discretely appear as if it opened up with all of the inspiration pouring out that has been collected from the gallery visit. I have taken the illustrations that I had previously put together deriving from the gallery images from when I visited the Hepworth Gallery. The experiement is a quickly put together to see if developed it would work, with the intention to increase the size and complexity of the illustrations, filling the page. I like this idea, but it seems to be a fairly obvious approach in comparison to some other directions I could take this project. 

Although as a concept this could be developed to work, it isn't something that as a designer I am seeing to be the best outcome. I intend to carry on research and development in order to refine the concept idea and 

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