Thursday 15 March 2018

Collaboration: Composition development

Sketching out the different ways in which the text could be added at the start and end and then within the zine.  Figure 1 shows some of the sketches that I made looking at how the text could be included as part of the photo book. Under each of the portraits we are looking at including the name, age and hamlet name of each person in the image. Naturally we read from left to right, so having this information on the right will work well with the idea of presenting the images before the information in order to allow for the viewer to build their own interpretations and guesses about what is being shown. Another edition that I had sketched out was the large quote across the top of a blank or colour filled page to breakup the images. As the photo book is serious, this maybe something that is more appropriate to use within the zine.

fig. 1

Figure 2 shows how this right alignment under the images could be used in other ways within the photo book. The sketches show how on the first page to introduce the content within the book, a definition of the word equality could be used or something similar. This would be a stand alone powerful way to instantly engage the reader with what the content will be. Until we have finalised the selection of photos and exactly what the message will be, the content for this starting page may change to suit. Ensuring consistency, the end of the book could be designed in the same way maybe ending with some words from Kristina about her experience whilst in Bali. I am currently unsure of the length that this will be so this may also have to be reconsidered once we have finalised the content. The photo book will need to have a credits section at the back with names, the organisation in Bali and then anything else that Kristina sees to be mandatory. Figure 3 shows how a double page spread could be filled in the same style as the other small sections of text, but with the edition of the quote across the top to make the pend of the book interesting. Another way include this information in the book would be to have it on the back cover along with the description that we decide best suits acting as a 'blurb'.

fig. 2
fig. 3
This idea places the images with a lot of white space in order to represent the isolation that was seen to be an issue whilst in Bali. In contrast to this the text fills the page in a fairly large pt size which could effectively be seen to represent the idea of it being a bigger issue than what people may know it to be.

This is a development of the column initial idea to explore how with images it would appear and how effective it would be. The opaque section over the image shows the extra column page insert which represents the interviewee in the particular image. The column would be printed double sided so that two interviews could be displayed, depending upon length. As a way of introdcucing the issue to the reader I thought that the column could be used in the same way but the images would not be portraits but instead the metaphorial objects that Kristina had photographed whilst she was in Bali. These images on the surface may seem irrelevant but in terms of the photobook and the issue that is being shown these images hold metaphorial meaning to ensure that more of an insight into the issue is built.

This a more visually creative approach to the design of the publication, more appropriat for the zine rather than the photobook itself. The idea involes taking the colours that will be chosen to form the colour scheme and then monotone the images with either of the colours to form a very colour focused zine. This idea will effectively give an insight into what content will be in the final photobook but it will not demonstrate the layout style and general tone that the photo book will have, making this an idea that may not be able to be used. 

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