Monday 12 March 2018

Art Fund: Creative Advertising Collaboration

I met with a creative advertising student (Lucy Matthews) in order to find out how they would take the concept and design idea and apply a tagline etc. This is an important part of the campaign because it will allow for an instant understanding from the target audience, which when selling a product is very important. This meeting was set up as a way for me to discuss my concept idea, helping me to also figure out the flaws in what I was trying to visually say.

The branding guidelines were discussed, looking at the different structures that could be formed. I showed her the art work I had doneup until this point nd what I planned to do in terms of development so that the writing would fit with this in the correct way. The slogans could either fit with ‘_with Art Fund’, ‘Art Fund_’ or ‘Student Art Pass_’. Between me and Lucy we brainstormed a large number of starting points in terms of taglines for the campaign. 
  • Mind meets creativity
  • Feed your mind to the full _with Art Fund
  • A famous quote related to mindfulness and then at the bottom, Mindfulness _with Art fund
  • 365 days of inspiration
  • “creative activities ease us into a process of focus, concentration, absorption and flow, the same process we experience when we’re meditating.”
  • Gallery visits, the new meditating
  • Focus. Concentration. Absorption. Flow
  • Stop. Look. Breathe. Create
  • Zoom in, simplify, create
  • Attention to detail
  • Creative mindfulness _with Art Fund
  • A_B
  • A_ moment
  • Moment_moment
  • The art of mindfulness
  • MindFULLness
  • Mindfull_drawing, Mindful_ photography, Mindful_art
  • 360 degree mind
  • 360 degree thinking
A common strategy used within advertising is to take something well known and either use it as it is or to adapt it in a small but obvious way to gain the attention of the target audience.

As the concept is based on taking well known pieces of art work and then zooming in, simplifying and focusing on this part we decided to gather some quotes based on focus and mindfulness to see if any of these could be used as part of the campaign. 

As I start to bring all of the elements together in terms of designing, the tagline will be created and developed. These found quotes will act as inspiration and hopefully drive a finalised concept with appropriate content. 

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