Monday 5 March 2018

Art Fund: Development 2

The idea to promote Student Art Pass as an event will work well when amongst all of the other advertisements at the Freshers Fair. A recent visit to the Hepworth gallery allowed for some experimentation with primary imagery to see how the initial idea could be developed into a concept that revolves around it being an event for your creativity/imagination etc. and not just another fresher's party.

The concept initially driving the visual design was that visiting galleries allowed you to explore your creativity in new ways, reinventing existing artworks/letting them feed into your new ideas. This worked well but didn't seem to be a strong enough concept to drive the whole of the campaign. When visiting the Hepworth I left with lots of energy and with an urge to be creative, using what I had seen that day in the gallery as the basis of the designs. This energy made me compare it to the energy that you feel when socialising with friends and dancing to music. In order to gain the attention of Fresher's a party based campaign might be something that they are likely to engage with. When they first arrive in a new city with a group of people they do not know well, partying is one of the most common ways in which friendship groups are formed. The new line drawings that have derived from the content within the gallery have a sense of energy that would be used as part of a campaign for a party, a party for the imagination. The concept would be based on the idea that as a fresher you need to party, but your imagination can also do the same which will positively feed into your studies and overall productivity. 

The visual design relied on the use of the source image as the drawings were not well known and would lack context in terms of the target audience understanding where they have come from and why they are being used on the posters. I experimented with the ways in which the line identity from Art Fund could be incorporated into the designs on the poster and the information that needed to be included. This is something that research revealed to be a big part of the Art Fund identity and ways in which that they present their visual materials. 

I then looked at the different ways in which colour could be used as part of the visual identity, bringing in the pale pink from the background and then the yellow from the student art pass type.The colours worked well together, but it lacked the vibrancy that would be expected when advertising for a party. The research into the different fresher's events and club nights showed the use of dark colours with high contrast and high levels of details and visuals in order to reflect the type of event. 

(not in line with the branding guidelines as this will be applied at the end once the final concept has been finalised) The next developments show a black background which works well to show that it is in line with that of the other evening events. As a designer, I will need to be inspired by existing party advertising, but add a difference in order to highlight that it is a metaphorical party as opposed to a party held at a gallery. 

In order to continue the development if this is the concept that I decided to go with, I have found some club night posters that could inspire the final design outcome. 

- distortion
- neon lighting
- layering
- coloured text boxes
- outlines text, not filled
- dark in colour

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