Monday 2 October 2017

Study task 03 - Conventions of the book

The Naked Eye: Charles Saatchi 

1. Working with your assigned partner analyse the books you have brought to todays session. Identify and list the properties/conventions of your books. (Layout, Bind...)

- The front cover has the eye test of an optician as the visual format, links the title of the book, making an instant visual assumption of the content or connection to such
- Black and white is used to keep clarity and represent the un-photoshopped photos that the content is based on 
- Hardback makes the book more durable and tactile; inviting the audience to pick it up and use it 
- Hardback also makes the book of a more prestigious quality, which may also reflect the artwork and the target audience 
- A5, conventional size that is fit for purpose and once again encourages user interaction and accessibility to be read
- Perfect bound inline with the simplicity and minimalistic style to the outside of the book

2. Acknowledge the subject matter of each of your books. Referring back to your initial list, discuss ways you could tailor/add/manipulate these conventions to communicate the subjects more effectively.

- Keep the images on pages with no text so that the focus remains on just the subject  itself rather than the information that goes alongside it
- Consistency to the size of the image, implying an equality of importance throughout and also reflecting the idea of the unmanipulated photo
- Printed on a different stock would make the book cheaper and more accessible to a wider audience 
- The text layout could be stylised to suit the aesthetic conscious target audience 

3. Following this mornings pitch, think about how your 'clients' subject matter could be communicated through at least one of the conventions you have identified.

- The contact sheets could be shown to allow the audience to identify all of the words involved within making an untouched final piece that has not been manipulated from shutter to piece; making it more trustworthy.
- The book gives a description of what the artist wanted to represent within the photo, they could also talk about what they believed the photo represented after completing the entire process allowing the audience to be in touch with the artist's emotional journey and physical journey of representing their original expressional needs. 
- Front cover material could be film paper so that the target audience knows straight away what content they are about to be presented with.

Independent Leeds: Welcome to Our City

1. Working with your assigned partner analyse the books you have brought to today's session. Identify and list the properties/conventions of your books. (Layout, Bind...)

- Detailed illustrative cover shows you just how many things there are to do in Leeds, but by using a limited colour palette it reflects that the guide will present these activities in an accessible and organised way.
-Softback cover makes it cheap and easy to mass produce
-Pocket size means it is easily transported around by the user which is important as it may be used as a reference when the reader is out and about in the city.
- Perfect bound means it is durable and gives a more tactile structure to the cover, making it not seem cheap or unreliable
- Minimal and squared off hardened edges is on trend and focused towards the target demographic

2. Acknowledge the subject matter of each of your books. Referring back to your initial list, discuss ways you could tailor/add/manipulate these conventions to communicate the subjects more effectively.

- Advertising could be removed to simplify the book and make it more about the guided content. Alternatively, they could be placed at the back still allowing for the funding that advertisement provides without causing breaks between the actual purposeful content of the book. 
- Being able to tick off each of the places the reader has visited could be an added element that will enhance the user interaction and encourage them to explore the city of Leeds. This could be taken further and a simple hashtag could then allow for the popularity of each place to be calculated. 
-If the book is to include advertisements it could contain some vouchers for the particular establishments, further enticing readers to go there: rather than keeping the persuasion purely visible. 

3. Following this mornings pitch, think about how your 'clients' subject matter could be communicated through at least one of the conventions you have identified.

- Removal of photography and replace with the same illustrative style that is on the front cover. This will allow the audience to be more intrigued to go and explore these places rather than just having a direct visual of what to expect straight away. The fact that it is already in the book, shows that the places will be good and suitable for the target audience of young, style-conscious adults. 

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