Monday 9 October 2017

Guide Book - Hand-off

In order to be able to focus on only the design process from this stage onwards, we were partnered up and we then became each others client. I was partnered with Callum O'Reilly whose book title is '50 Years of Queers'. The publication will cover the decriminalisation of homosexuality within the UK and the influence it has had on the LGBTQ+'s community. 

Callum O’Reilly
Brief title / working title
50 Years of Queers
Short description of publication (purpose)
This publication will be a quirky visual representation of typical LGBTQ+ culture and ‘lifestyle’. Explaining and capturing 50 years since the partial decimalisation of homosexuality within the UK and the influence it has had on today’s LGBTQ+ community.
Target reader / audience (include reasons)
People who know nothing about queer culture.
Teens who want to read up on gay history that’s led to queer culture of today.
Non-Fiction Info-book
Competition (3 titles)
Good As You: From Prejudice to Pride – 30 Years of Gay Britain
Queer City: Gay London from the Romans to the present day

Positioning (USP, bookshop section, other points of sale)
Gallery gift shop e.g. coming out walker gallery, queer British art at the Tate Britain.

Price point

Mandatory requirements
Visually representative of the LGBTQ+
No larger than A5
Soft but firm back book

Research list:
- Branding of PRIDE
- Typefaces commonly used in Queer publications 
- Analyse the competition publications
- How to visually represent the content
- Layouts that would best organise the content
- Ways to incorporate the rainbow into the colour scheme, but maintaining a finish that would deem the book suitable to sell in an Art Gallery shop. 

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