Tuesday 31 October 2017

Guide Book - Front cover development

I have learnt that no matter how much you plan the front cover design, as the book is developed the language within the book changes from the original idea and therefore the front cover may need adapting to suit.

As the book design was developed, it was decided that a lot of the content would be right aligned. This is something that I wanted to bring to the front cover so that there is consistency throughout the book. Figure 1 shows the letters arranged into two columns and the centred within the grid. This does work, but not with the rest of the book. As shown in figure 2, the section titles are still arranged with a more horizontal appearance. So by taking the text from the section titles and re-wording it to say 'QUEERS', the consistent design can be achieved. The placement of the title in figure 3 is based on the placement of the section titles. As a front cover, it looks too bottom heavy when placed with the smaller sized type so it was then changed to work within the grid as shown in figure 4. To ensure consistency throughout the rest of the book, the section titles were also rearranged to fit the same layout. The first part of the title is centred and placed halfway between the top of the page and the large type. 
fig. 2

fig. 1

fig. 3

fig. 4

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