Monday 2 October 2017

Guide Book - Title Decision

The word itinerary is often used to describe this kind of publication, so I looked up the definition to see if it was suitable for the kind of information that I am publishing. The fact that it says planned put me off using it within the title of my book because the content I will be publishing is more subjective and the reader is meant tot take from it what they want. 

I then clicked on the synonym route to see if the description better fit the content of my book. The definition states that it is about having a starting point and a final destination. The idea of a cultural exploration does not rely on the visiting of specific places, so this word does not work as the title for my type of content. 

once again, the noun journey suggests that there are destinations in which the reader must visit when actually it is just hints at where the cultural lessons were learnt or ways in which things can be learnt. I think I need to stay away from the idea that it is a planned route as that is not the purpose of the publication. 

The noun trail suggests that there will be a number of objects or clues along the way for the reader to find. This could work well because I could use the images in the book to subtly hint where the different cultural teachings took place. I could maybe edit out the majority of the pictures and leave only certain signs or objects. This noun best suits the style of content that I will be publishing.

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