Saturday 28 October 2017

Guide Book - Typeface + front cover

The research into the lgbt+ publications made it clear that the majority of the design styles use a sans-serif typeface. 

I mocked up some quick designs lightening the background so that the '50 YEARS OF' could be read. The colouring used will look different when it is not on the computer as it is iridescent foiling, the slightly transparent finish will make it stand out much less than the digital mockup.

I researched into the ones that I could use:

Paralucent was one of the typefaces that would work well, but there is no reason for it to be chosen to be part of the design. 
I wanted to find a typeface suitable that was released the same year as an important part of the lgbt+ history. 
Helvetica Neue was released in 1957, the same year in which the Homosexual Law Reform Society formed in England. It was for the sole purpose of decriminalising homosexual acts. 

The original idea was to have the book around A5 size and then capture the word 'QUEERS' within the square that would represent equality. Feedback highlighted the fact that the square may actually portray a message different to what was initially intended. The box could imply isolation from the rest of society, going against the content of the book. The content is about sharing the fact that there is no need for labels within the community, a box could be seen to be presenting an element of restriction. 

Below are some different experimentations with front cover layouts:

My client had suggested that an iridescent foiling would work well to draw focus to the word 'Queers' on the front cover, as the '50 YEARS OF' would be in a spot varnished black to contrast against the matte black front cover. 
I agreed with the suggestion and thought that the iridescent foiling would represent the rainbow flag and also the changes within the community over the year as every time the book is held or moved it appears differently. 
The mockups below are very basic and the background has been lightened just so the '50 Years of' could be seen, soemthing that will not need to be done when finally printed. 

Fig. 1
- Paralucent font
- too much focus on the 'Q' for no added design purpose
- good use of space
Fig. 2
Fig. 2
- '50 YEARS OF' is too close to the main focus
- if more spaced out it would fit the minimal design intentions better
Fig. 3
Fig. 3
- does not look stylised and aesthetically put together if the font sizes are too similar
- contrast is good and needed
Fig. 4
Fig. 4
- fits within a square so that the visible square can be removed from the design 
- the spacing works well 
- maybe the spacing in 'QUEERS' can be made a little tighter

Figures 2 and 3 show the contrast in size of the text '50 YEARS OF' and how visually it can have such a big impact. When larger (fig. 3) it does not appear high quality and design conscious, more garish than if it is small like in figure 2. Figure 4 shows the letters fit within a square. I later changed it to fit in with the same style as the titles on the section dividers. 

Figures 5 and 6 show the arrangement experiments on how the square could influence the overall appearance, but without actually being present.

Fig. 5
Fig. 6

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