Sunday 1 October 2017

Study Task 01 - Feedback

In response to the summer project I gathered my thoughts into a short presentation so that I could gain some feedback on what direction I should follow in terms of content. I had decided that Sapa was the place of interest that I would like to focus on, but it would need to be developed into something more than just an average guide book. 

As it is about what I learnt when going off the beaten track, I would need to present the information in a way that would also reflect this. It may be that I need to break the normal conventions of a guide book in order to reflect this idea of exploring somewhere out of your everyday limits by:
- not giving away too much information
- provide tips and comfort but still leave gaps so that they have a need to visit
- short amounts of writing

I was asked whether it would be a book that was one to read in advance or whilst on the trip. I think as the experience of travelling is about exploration and getting involved, the book I create should also have that same purpose. The book could have gaps left that need to be filled, things to try etc. The standard guide book provides information on where to go, what route to take and where to stay. But as a first time solo traveller I found my best advice from blogs as they often have a friendly more trustworthy tone of voice that I found I could relate to and make the big trip into a new culture a lot less daunting.  

- young traveller
- experience with a local family
- solo traveller

If I was to create book that hints at the different places and experiences to have in Sapa then it would have to be in a style that the target audience is used to and would see as trustworthy. The on trend clean, minimal design style is something that the target audience of young adults would find aesthetically pleasing. The use of an aesthetic that is not out of their comfort zone is important when trying to prove that the information within is trustworthy and as it will be very vague, it will help to ensure that the exploration of Sapa will not be daunting. 

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