Tuesday 27 December 2016

Study task 2 - Objective symbols of subjective things // Unconscious

The word unconscious means to be not awake and aware of or responding to one's environment. With this in mind, I wanted to use a very controlled system like a grid, but go completely against the consistency of it. My initial pattern designs (Figure 1) show no particular awareness of direction, they were based on only my reaction to the 'environment' in which the path could be created, just taking different turns along the grid. 
I decided to apply the same principle to the alphabet, cutting up the letters at appropriate points and then rearranging to make individual symbols, shown in Figure 2. I then vectorised these by importing a picture of the symbols into Adobe Illustrator and tracing over them, creating what is shown in Figure 3. To finalise the pictograms, I placed the symbols in a circular shape made up of dots, leaving only the symbol as the blank area inside. The dots represent the subconscious, the slight blur between unconscious and unawareness. 

Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4

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