Tuesday, 27 December 2016

Studio Brief 1: Idea Crit feedback

My idea

In order to respond to studio brief 1, I have decided to design a wayfinding system in a supergraphic style which will be based on the history of the Mod scene in 1960s Leeds. 

I presented my idea about creating a wayfinding system that was to take those that were interested on an immersive journey through the city of Leeds, to all of the locations that were an influential part in the history of the mod scene in the 1960s. 

The feedback on what I presented was very informative and has allowed me to decide on the direction that I want to take with this project. A number of different artists and projects were mentioned as possible sources of research to help me with the development of this way finding system. The research into how to make the system immersive and engaging is possibly the most important thing to focus on as my project is about sharing something that those today would not have been able to experience. 

To start the development of ideas I will begin the research by looking at: 

- The Line: Network of Public Art 

- Situationist Movement in Paris 

- Ian SinClaire: M25 Circular System

- Steve Simpson: Illustrations

- Bridget Riley: Moving art

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