Thursday, 29 December 2016

Studio Brief 2 - Task 5

Task 5
- Explore your object typographically 

Figure 1

Figure 2
Figure 3

Figure 4
Figure 5
Figure 6

Figure 7

Figure 8

Figure 9
'CHICAGO IX' (Figure 1) is well known, following the style of many other cassette tapes. Research lead me to find out that most cassette tapes use variations of the font 'Impact' (Figure 2) on the front of the covers, often in a very bold red. I also found that the majority of writing on a cassette tape was in uppercase rather than lowercase. I created a simple vector design to represent the cassette tape so that I could incorporate it into the typeface 'Impact'. I placed the image in the centre of the 'P' and also the 'A', but changed it from a rectangle into a flat-topped triangle. Figure 5 attempts to illustrate the movement that takes places within a cassette tape in order for the sound to be generated. I then thought it would be interesting to look at how I could build up the shape of the reel and show how it works using only the word 'cassette tape'. Figures 6, 7 and 8 show the development stages that I took. I realised as I was designing at the tape relies on the perfectly circular reel to be able to spin and pass the tape around to where it is needed. I decided to combine a few of the ideas together to produce something that resembles an actual cassette tape, relying on lines and typography only. 

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