Thursday 29 December 2016

Studio Brief 2- Task 6

Photographic constraint
- Take 50 colour photographs of your object (cassette tape) following a constraint or limitation that you set. Each photograph must consider how it is communicating the connecting constraint through the series.

I decided to have the constraint as 'focus' for the series of photographs. This allowed me to closely investigate the parts of the cassette tape and showing the different sections in a variety of realistic and abstract ways. 

The shadow photographs that show the shadows are interesting as it allows for the overall structure of the tape to be displayed and the focus is taken away from the aesthetics of the packaging. Figure 1 focuses mainly on the section of the tape that exposes the reel as there are some interesting patterns and shapes that can be taken from these sections.

The final 5 photographs clearly show the constraint of focus as the order in which I have arranged them shows the progression from full focus, to small areas of focus, to no focus. 

Figure 1
Figure 2
Final 5 photographs 

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