Friday, 10 February 2017

OUGD405 Overall Module Evaluation

Studio Brief 1 allowed for me to expand my knowledge on the use of subjectivity and objectivity in Graphic Design. The debate between Jan Van Toorn and Wim Crouwel forced me to consider whether or not I was approaching the design of the wayfinding system in an objective or subjective way and which one would suit my concept in the best way. The design of the wayfinding system allows for a person to understand how to successfully get from A to B and allows for an elements of subjectivity, resulting in an immersive experience. I found that in this studio brief, the research into existing wayfinding systems and a variety of artists helped me to develop a concept and deliver it in a suitable design style.

Based on in depth research, Studio Brief 2 required the development of something in a printed format that related to the object of choice. I feel as though I have responded to the brief and produced a concept that follows Pestalozzi principles which are to ‘always proceed gradually, cumulatively, and slowly’, shown by the large number of developments from initial ideas to the final outcome. If I were to improve any aspect of the Studio Brief, it would be to carry out more relevant artist research so that more of a variety of design approaches could be experimented with. A limitation to the final production of the product was having to use an existing cassette tape to show the concept of my design. The cases plastic became very scratched, something that wouldn’t happen if produced professionally.

Overall, I am pleased with the outcomes I produced, as I am confident that they respond to the briefs in the expected way, include all of the necessary deliverables and are developed and interesting concepts. The feedback has proven that the artist research into the particular topic leads to a more confident outcome and consistent design style, as there seemed to be a lot more development in Studio Brief 1 due to the large number of artist and other existing projects as inspirations. As a designer I would like to make sure that more time is designated to the research into artists and how they may approach the problem in a number of different ways, informing my own design decisions.

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