Monday 30 January 2017

Studio Brief 1: Initial ideas

One of my initial ideas was based on the research into symbols that are most commonly associated with the Mod Subculture. When looking at album artwork, prints and other Mod related visuals the red, white and blue target was a common image used on a number of occasions. Figure 1 and 2 show the experiments on how it could work as a supergraphic placed at each location, with the idea that only those on the trail would understand the relevance of its placing. Although the idea could be developed, I decided that it didn't work as a wayfinding system in the way that I wanted to because it didn't really get people moving from one place to another. 

Figure 1
Figure 2

Atomic structure

Figure 3
This idea uses the atomic structure of the chemical Amphetamine (Figure 3) which was a big part of the Mod subculture's nightlife. I do not want to advertise the use of the drug, but as it was a well-known part of the subculture I think it could work well at forming the general structure of the wayfinding signs, pictograms and overall visuals/identity. 

Figure 4
The hexagon could be developed so that it works as the recognisable feature throughout the whole of the wayfinding system. It could frame the pictograms that would be used to represent each of the location, form as part of the logo, work as floor directions and also be incorporated into the typography (Figure 4).
Figure 5
Using photos I had taken of each of the locations, I started to develop vector line drawings so that I could see the distinct shapes that made each building recognisable and individual. Figure 5 shows the process in which I undertook to start to see which features could be removed and which looked best if kept. I decided that I wanted the pictograms to end up fairly abstract and stylised. This is something that I can ask opinions on in the crit so that I know which direction to take the developments in.

Figure 6
Figure 7

The idea of having the atomic structure to surround existing sign posts around Leeds using tape that extends to the floor, directing people in the direction of each location. Figure 6 and Figure 7 shows sketches of how the atomic structure could be developed to represent the direction to each place and a way of showing the distance to them.

Figure 8
Sticking to the presentation of the official atomic structure diagram, Figure 8 shows how the letters and number could be used to be informative. Using the same font which is 'Univers', The letters will represent the initials of the location and the number would be the distance in which the location is from that particular point in Leeds. 

Figure 9
Figure 10

Another initial idea is to use the tyre tread from a vespa as part of the wayfinding system, directing people to the different locations. Using the vespa tyre tread would work effectively because the vespa was a significant mode of transport for the Mod subculture. Figure 9 show how it could look if it was formed into arrows and then placed on the floor. It works well, but it is very 'in your face', something that doesn't reflect a wayfinding system that is about discovery and hidden locations. Figure 10 shows the tyre treads to be more discrete and not as obviously pointing in a particular direction. 

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