Wednesday 20 December 2017

Astro-Beat Collective: Brief

I was contacted by a friend at Leeds College of Music asking if I could help with their 3rd year events management project. The project was to set up a collective and host an event night of their choice. 

The discussion with the collective lead to the agreement that I would design an identity for them as a group and then also all of the pormotional matieral needed to hold a music event - social media designs, posters, tickets, flyers etc. 

Brand Name: Astro-Beat Collective
Project Deadline: March 2nd is the event, but promotion needs to begin before christmas
Brief Description (brand philosophy): 
'Astro-Beat is a collective of young musicians and promoters aiming to create the greatest, craziest and spaciest events in Leeds.'
Outcome Required e.g. Logo, Poster: logo, social media content for facebook, poster, flyer, ticket
Applications: will be used across social media platforms, on promotional material and merchandise

Now that I have intiially filled out the brief form, the actual brief canbe determined between me and the client and also the concept/proposition will be something that I go back to fill out after research and intial ideas have been generated.

Astro-Beat is a collective of young musicians and promoters aiming to create the greatest, craziest and spaciest events in Leeds. The collective would like a logo to portray their style of events and all of the pormtoional materials needed for the music event they are hosting at Hyde Park Book Club in March 2018.

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