Sunday, 30 April 2017

Dr Me: Collaging workshop

Visiting professionals Dr-Me held a collaging workshop with the group which focused on stop motion animations (gifs) being the final outcome. 
Graphic design is known to be very heavily computer reliant, making this workshop particularly interesting and engaging. The designers showed how handcrafted collages can be seen to be just as successful as computer work, spark creativity and be used to generalise animated outcomes. 
In pairs we were given a random word with which we had to make a collaged based gif that used 10 frames (fig.1).
The word was 'masseuse' and the idea was that the back movements would represent the circular motion that the hands most commonly move during a massage and then the man walking in front of the scenery would represent the calm sensation that you would experience during a massage. The tiger that starts to chase the man represents the build up to the knots that may cause pain and then it is removed. 

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 2 shows an animation made based on the 'Hyde Park picture house' using the leaflets collected form the box office. This is relevant to studio brief 2, looking at ways in which the 102nd year of opening can be recognised and celebrated.  

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