Wednesday, 22 March 2017

John Maeda: The importance of writing

The majority of the year has been complaining about how much writing we have to do on our blogs, design boards and essay writing, but this article clearly highlights the reasons as to why it is actually important that as designers we can write.

Forget coding: Writing is design's "unicorn skill"
The article highlights that a lot of designers can code, which is seen to be a valuable skill when looking for jobs. But it has become very clear that few are just as fluent in their own language. It is thought that words are just as important and powerful in graphics and they are often not considered to be high in the hierarchy of importance when designers are working on briefs. 
An interaction designer may just be thought to be needed to concentrate on the actual coding, but they are actually required to imagine themselves as users and use this to develop a set of 'what if' scenarios. The completion of this requires the ability to write fiction, screenwriting and technical writing to a high level. 

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